Frequently Asked Roofing Questions

Q: Can I apply new shingles over existing ones?
A: If the roof only has one layer of shingles at the moment then yes, you can. But most building codes do not allow for any more after that. A re-roof must be done. 


Q: How can I get rid of algae growth on my roof? 
A: This is an aesthetic problem and won’t affect the structure of the roof, but algae can be removed using a mixture of bleach, water, and trisodium phosphate. Use one part bleach to three parts water and a quarter-cup of trisodium phosphate. Gently spray the mixture on and rinse with water.


Q: What is buckling? 
A: This is when ridges form along the shingles due to roofing deck movement. If you notice it on your roof, call us. 


Q: Do I need to be concerned with bubbles or blisters?
A: Not really. Most asphalt shingles will experience some of this during their lifetime, but it does not affect their lifespan. 


Q: What programs are available if I have the environment in mind?
A: ENERGY STAR™, LEED™, and Built Green™ are three of the well-known ones. Call us if you have any questions about available materials.  


Q: What can I do about ice dams?
A: These form at the edge of your roof due to freezing and thawing of snow and ice during the winter. Be sure to remove debris from your gutters regularly. You can also insulate your attic floor or ventilate the attic to help. It is not recommended to try and remove the ice with rock salt or a shovel.

Need something further?

You’re always welcome to call TRICH Roofing & Services with any question at all about roofing, windows, or siding. Our friendly staff members are standing by ready to help you. All you have to do is pick up the phone!
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